Alles wird gut, meint Rush. Und vielleicht sogar schneller, als wir gedacht haben.

Quelle fuer Siran:

Cascading Upbeat News from Middle East

February 28, 2005


Some pretty big news that just happened here, and if you take it in context, there is some cascading pretty good news and big news that's happening. The Lebanese prime minister, Omar Karami has announced his government's resignation in parliament. This is the government that issued this no protesting edict and this no dissent. The no protesting demand was ignored by protesters in Lebanon. This is the pro-Syrian government in Lebanon that has just said no mass, no mass.

If you take a look at what's happening in Egypt, they're going to have elections there with actual opposing candidates. They've had elections, but it's like Iraq: you vote for Mubarak or you die -- well, not that you die, but you vote for Mubarak or you don't die, they're going to have elections there. Syria has just turned over Saddam's half-brother recently, Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hassan. These are things that, even though libs, even Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, they're all saying, "You know, this may actually be working." And it may be working faster than anybody -- and of course the pessimists out there said it would never work -- faster than even the proponents of this policy thought. And I'll tell you what's doing all this is the elections in Iraq and our steadfast policy in Iraq. And the elections in Afghanistan, which are not getting a whole lot of play because those elections took place in the midst of fierce fighting in Iraq, and so there wasn't a whole lot of coverage there. But here you have Afghanistan normalized, Iraq regime is gone, the people have voted, they're in the process now of setting up the next series of elections there. Iran is what it is, but the Lebanese government has just gone south. The Palestinians are in effect defeated, at least at this time.

So massive changes. And with Bush's trip last week to supposedly -- I love this -- mend fences. He went over there to mend fences. He didn't go over there to mend fences, he went over there to tell them how it is, and Condoleezza Rice went over there to tell them how it is. She made a fashion statement, and of course a cat fight started with all the other women in the media. "How dare she show up as though she's cast in The Matrix! How dare she wear those stileto boots! How dare she wear all that -- how can she do this?" But it's all, I wouldn't say snowballing but, it's happening at a pace I think that is more rapid than even the optimists dared hope that it would be. So great news. Well, I wouldn't call it great, but it's big news and it certainly is encouraging news that is coming out of the Middle East.

Now, we also have the deadliest bomb attack since the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq today but remember what we've always said, the losers launch their salvos right toward the end of their existence. The losers launch the best they've got right toward the end of their existence, so it's not all good news out there but placed in context is certainly is upbeat and optimistic.