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Thema: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

  1. #11
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Zitat Zitat von cajadeahorros Beitrag anzeigen
    [Man weiß wirklich nicht, wo man anfangen soll, aber da ich zur Zeit des Vietnamkrieges noch keine Zeitung lesen konnte, konzentriere ich mich auf Ereignisse ab 1988. Damit mache ich erst einmal Schluß.]
    Ich wüßte, wo Du anfangen könntest, die *demokratische* Kriegspropaganda darzustellen: im Jahr 1875. Deren Inhalte füllen seitdem Presseorgane, Lehrbücher, Studieninhalte und Fachliteratur.

  2. #12
    Hände weg von Syrien! Benutzerbild von cajadeahorros
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Kleiner Nachtrag zu den Brutkastenbabys. Die vermutliche Erfinderin der Lüge, The Honorable Lauri J. Fitz-Pegado, ist selbstverständlich nicht im beruflichen Abseits, sondern inzwischen Partner der Washingtoner Strippenzieheragentur The Livingston Group LLP des ehemaligen Kongreßabgeordneten Bob Livingston, die illustre Kunden wie EADS, die Republik Türkei oder das "neue" Ägypten in Washington vertritt. Im Auftrag Libyens sollte Livingston ab 2008 auf eine Normalisierung der Beziehungen zu den USA hinarbeiten, aber in einer Art prophetischen Ahnung beendete die Agentur 2009 das Verhältnis zu Libyen.

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    Geändert von cajadeahorros (06.09.2011 um 12:29 Uhr)
    Auf geb' ich mein Werk; nur Eines will ich noch: das Ende - das Ende!

    (Wotan, Die Walküre)

  3. #13
    Hände weg von Syrien! Benutzerbild von cajadeahorros
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    3. Krieg der "Koalition der Willigen" gegen Saddam Hussein und das irakische Volk

    Nachdem es auch durch jahrelanges Hungerembargo, "Flugverbotszone" und permanente Terrorangriffe ohne jede Vorwarnung nicht gelungen war, den Irak in die Knie zu zwingen, nutzten die USA die Gunst der Stunde und erledigten ihn im Zug des "Kampf gegen den Terror". Das Buch "119 Fragen zum 11.9." listet die entsprechenden Quellen auf. Wie durch ein Wunder sprudelten plötzlich "Enthüllungen" durch Presse und Pressekonferenzen.

    * Saddam Hussein ist für "den 11. September" mitverantwortlich - bullshit!
    * Saddam Hussein verletzt UN-Auflagen - bullshit!
    * Saddam Hussein stellt Massenvernichtunswaffen her - bullshit!

    Diese Lügen waren für JEDEN, der sie noch alle beisammen hat, sofort als Lügen zu erkennen, dazu genügte es, 30 Sekunden die peinlich berührte Fresse von Colin Powell und die vor der UNO präsentierten Kinderbildchen anzusehen. Powells Pressekonferenz vor der UNO - begleitet von einer Jubelhausse der Börse - markierte, nebenbei bemerkt, meinen (endgültigen) persönlichen Bruch mit der sogenannten Demokratie freiheitlich-westlicher Prägung.

    Inzwischen werden diese stinkenden Lügen zugegeben, man setzt aber noch einen drauf und behauptet nun

    * Die USA wurden durch falsche Informationen getäuscht

    Diesen Dreck muß man nicht nur bei wikipedia lesen, auch in der ARD durften "Kronzeugen" wie der selbsternannte Friedenskanzler und der Taxifahrer diese Version "bestätigen" und erzählten, wie ihnen ach so unglaubwürdige Informationen zugespielt wurden, die man routinemäßig an die USA weitergeleitet habe, ohne ausdrücklich auf die Unglaubwürdigkeit hinzuweisen, und die USA, dusselig und gutgläubig wie sie in ihrem Kampf um die Freiheit sind, haben das ernst genommen und danach ... - ist schon Recht, Herr Professor, "I am not convinced", vor allem nicht von der Scheiße, die so flüssig aus deinem Hohlkopf fließt.
    Auf geb' ich mein Werk; nur Eines will ich noch: das Ende - das Ende!

    (Wotan, Die Walküre)

  4. #14
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Zitat Zitat von cajadeahorros Beitrag anzeigen
    Inzwischen werden diese stinkenden Lügen zugegeben, man setzt aber noch einen drauf und behauptet nun

    * Die USA wurden durch falsche Informationen getäuscht

    Diesen Dreck muß man nicht nur bei wikipedia lesen, auch in der ARD durften "Kronzeugen" wie der selbsternannte Friedenskanzler und der Taxifahrer diese Version "bestätigen" und erzählten, wie ihnen ach so unglaubwürdige Informationen zugespielt wurden, die man routinemäßig an die USA weitergeleitet habe, ohne ausdrücklich auf die Unglaubwürdigkeit hinzuweisen, und die USA, dusselig und gutgläubig wie sie in ihrem Kampf um die Freiheit sind, haben das ernst genommen und danach ... - ist schon Recht, Herr Professor, "I am not convinced", vor allem nicht von der Scheiße, die so flüssig aus deinem Hohlkopf fließt.
    Der BND hatte diese Aussagen an die CIA weitergeleitet und die amerikanischen Kollegen auch über seine Zweifel in Kenntnis gesetzt. Colin Powell wollte der ARD kein Interview zu den Vorwürfen geben. Dafür behauptet sein damaliger Stellvertreter Richard Armitage in der Dokumentation: „Ein Ehrenmann wie Colin Powell würde niemals etwas vortragen, von dem er weiß, dass es falsch ist.“ Gunter Pleuger bleibt dennoch bei seinem Vorwurf: „Der CIA-Kollege hat mir gesagt, er war dabei, als Colin Powell gesagt worden ist, dass alles was in dieser Rede stand, nicht richtig ist.“ Und weiter: „Der damalige CIA-Chef George Tenet wusste es und Colin Powell wusste es auch. Beide standen in der Loyalität gegenüber dem Präsidenten und fühlten sich offenbar durch diese Loyalität verpflichtet das zu tun, was sie getan haben.“

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  5. #15
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    3 Teile, sehenswert!

  6. #16
    Friede sei in Euch! Benutzerbild von Die Petze
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    In mir

    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Man studiere doch mal bitte diese USgov-Propaganda-Division, die nach dem WKII ziemlich umtriebig war....
    .........und unter anderem diesen unsäglichen Solo-Schuldkult installierten.........

    ICD (Information Control Division) früher PWD (Psychological Warfare Division)
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    ...weiß jemand das soviet-Gegenstück ?
    Der Libertärerklärbär sagt: Lasst uns das einzig wahre Gesetz niederschreiben und danach leben.
    Die goldene Regel (hier in der Postivform):
    "Behandele andere so, wie du von ihnen behandelt werden möchtest!"
    Wer sich nicht daran hält, verwirkt sich den Anspruch auf dieses Recht

  7. #17
    Hände weg von Syrien! Benutzerbild von cajadeahorros
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    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    4. Libyen

    Gaddafi ist sicherlich meilenweit vom "idealen Herrscher" entfernt, aber egal, welchen Dreck er am Stecken hat, Libyen geht es besser als allen anderen afrikanischen Staaten, (ich empfehle den Vergleich zum vergleichbar ölreichen Nigeria) und die sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Errungenschaften in seiner Amtszeit waren bedeutend. Vom Staatsaufbau ganz abgesehen, der sicher inzwischen längst verkrustet und verfilzt ist, aber immerhin etwa 50% der politischen Entscheidungen demokratischer trifft als es in Deutschland jemals der Fall war (nämlich über ein gestaffeltes System der Bürgerversammlungen, die auch das imperative Mandat kennen - zum Vergleich nehme man einfach die Mehrwertsteuererhöhung durch Parteien die keine Mehrwertsteuer erhöhen wollten).

    Bei allen Mängeln muß man aber sagen: Durch den in dieser imperialistischen Runde abgesonderten Propagandadreck wird man direkt automatisch in Gaddafis Lager gezwungen. Egal, was er getan hat, moralisch kann er gar nicht unter den Verantwortlichen des Westens stehen, wobei man natürlich nie vergessen darf, daß der Westen bereits seit der unblutigen Revolution einen Kleinkrieg gegen Libyen führt, von Verletzungen des Hoheitsgebiets bis zu Luftangriffen, daß der jetzige Krieg nur noch die Vollendung dessen ist, was man jahrzehntelang versucht hat.

    * Gaddafis Söhne sind vergewaltigende Killer - kennt man schon.
    * Gaddafi steht unter dem [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer] - kennt man abgewandelt von Milosevic
    * Libyens Soldaten [Links nur für registrierte Nutzer] (das ist eine neue Spielart der Massenvergewaltigungen)
    * Eher humoristisch muß der 92jährige Rebellenopa gesehen werden, der sogar schon den I. Weltkrieg überlebt hat. (Für diese schöne Lügengeschichte können wir persönlich Frau Linda Staude vom WDR gratulieren)
    * Natürlich darf auch Gaddafi nicht ohne sexuelle üble Nachrede davonkommen, wir wissen sogar, daß er in seinem Privatflugzeug Spiegel im Schlafzimmer hatte, die an ein Bordell erinnern (Da wir der Autor dieser Lüge vermutlich die besseren Erfahrungen haben, um das zu beurteilen).

    Der ekelerregende Tiefpunkt war aber natürlich

    * Libyens Soldaten massenvergewaltigen Rebellenfrauen, Gaddafi gab dazu Viagra an die Truppen aus.

    Die Viagra-Propaganda bekommt den 1. Preis im Stürmer-Reloaded-Wettbewerb, man schämt sich, das überhaupt zu diskutieren. Aber erwähnen muß man natürlich, daß die entsprechenden Spin-Doktoren damit die libyschen Soldaten nicht nur als Massenvergewaltiger (wie die Serben), sondern unterschwellig als impotente Massenvergewaltiger bloßstellen möchten. Und ich kenne sogar persönlich einen relativ intelligenten Menschen, der das glaubt, und auch noch ganz stolz das Bild "Gaddafis-[Links nur für registrierte Nutzer]" per Mail verschickt, was immerhin den Vorteil hatte, daß man anhand der entsprechenden Reaktionen im Büro eine Propagandaerfolgsrate von 1 zu 17 unter leidlich gut ausgebildeten Menschen messen konnte. Wegen bedingter finanzieller Abhängigkeit mußte ich leider darauf verzichten, die betreffende Person spontan ins Gesicht zu schlagen.

    Stellt sich nur die Frage: Wie weit wird man im nächsten Krieg (Syrien? Iran? Uigurian Rebels?) gehen? Und wie kann man diesen Dreck noch einmal steigern? Gerüchte gibt es schon, aus türkischen Zeitungen, denn über die Türkei werden ja die überaus friedlichen Demonstranten mit samt ihren Waffen nach Syrien geschleust. Wir werden sehen, ob uns diese neue Ekelhaftigkeit auch bald "ganz tagesfrisch aktuell enthüllt" präsentiert wird.
    Auf geb' ich mein Werk; nur Eines will ich noch: das Ende - das Ende!

    (Wotan, Die Walküre)

  8. #18
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    Bayern (muss erst mal reichen)

    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Zitat Zitat von Ruffy Beitrag anzeigen
    Fals Flags werden immer wieder gern genutzt um Kriegspropaganda zu betreiben und die Menschen ein Feindbild zu präsentieren um ein Krieg zu rechtfertigen.

    -Ermordung von Franz Ferdinand (1wk)
    -Hitlers Macht ergreifung (Reichstagsbrand)
    -Bombenanschläge (London/Madrid)
    -Viertnam Krieg (Tonkin)
    -angeblicher Atombomben bau (Irak/Iran)
    -Pearl Harbour (eintritt 2wk)
    Es wäre schon ganz nett die Schwurbel-VTs aus der berechtigten Medienpropaganda herauszuhalten.

  9. #19
    Friede sei in Euch! Benutzerbild von Die Petze
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    In mir

    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)

    Zitat Zitat von Don Beitrag anzeigen
    Es wäre schon ganz nett die Schwurbel-VTs aus der berechtigten Medienpropaganda herauszuhalten.
    Hat der gscheite Don mal wieder nicht den Sinn des Freds verstanden....hm ?
    Ich erläutere dir mal die Terminologie.

    Propaganda bezeichnet einen absichtlichen und systematischen Versuch, Sichtweisen zu formen, Erkenntnisse zu manipulieren und Verhalten zu steuern, zum Zwecke der Erzeugung einer vom Propagandisten erwünschten Reaktion. Der Begriff „Propaganda“ wird vor allem in politischen Zusammenhängen benutzt; in wirtschaftlichen spricht man eher von „Werbung“, in religiösen von „Missionierung“

    Deine sogenannten Schwurbel-VTs bilden die dazu (meist) faktenbasierte Antithese...du verstehst ?
    Geändert von Die Petze (07.09.2011 um 22:14 Uhr)
    Der Libertärerklärbär sagt: Lasst uns das einzig wahre Gesetz niederschreiben und danach leben.
    Die goldene Regel (hier in der Postivform):
    "Behandele andere so, wie du von ihnen behandelt werden möchtest!"
    Wer sich nicht daran hält, verwirkt sich den Anspruch auf dieses Recht

  10. #20
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: Demokratische Kriegspropaganda - Stürmer reloaded (Sammelstrang)


    Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq

    By Thomas C. Mountain

    July 23, 2011 "Information Clearing House" --- Asmara, Eritrea: The lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya.

    According to the Amnesty observer, who is fluent in Arabic, there is not one confirmed instance of rape by the pro-Gadaffi fighters, not even a doctor who knew of one. All the Viagra mass rape stories were fabrications.

    Amnesty could not verify a single “African mercenary” fighting for Gaddafi story, and the highly charged international satellite television accounts of African mercenaries raping women that were used to panic much of the eastern Libyan population into fleeing their homes were fabrications.

    There were no confirmed accounts of helicopter gun ships attacking civilians and no jet fighters bombing people which completely invalidates any justification for the No-Fly Zone inSecurity Council resolution used as an excuse for NATO to launch its attacks on Libya.

    After three months on the ground in rebel controlled territory, the Amnesty investigator could only confirm 110 deaths in Benghazi which included Gadaffi supporters.

    Only 110 dead in Benghazi? Wait a minute, we were told thousands had died there, ten thousand even. No, only 110 lost their lives including pro-government people.

    No rapes, no African mercenaries, no helicopter gun ships or bombers, and only 110 ten deaths prior to the launch of the NATO bombing campaign, every reason was based on a lie.

    Today according to the Libyan Red Crescent Society, over 1,100 civilians have been killed by NATO bombs including over 400 women and children. Over 6,000 Libyan civilians have been injured or wounded by the bombing, many very seriously.

    Compared to the war on Iraq, these numbers are tiny, but the reasons for the Libyan war have no merit in any form.

    Saddam Hussein was evil, he invaded his neighbors in wars that killed up to a million. He used Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) in the form of poison gas on both his neighbors and his own people, killing tens of thousands. He was brutal and corrupt and when American tanks rolled into Iraq the Iraqi people refused to fight for him, simply put their weapons down and went home.

    Libya under Col. Gadaffi hasn’t invaded their neighbors. Gadaffi never used WMD’s on anyone, let alone his own people. As for Gadaffi being brutal, in Libya’s neighbor Algeria, the Algerian military fought a counterinsurgency for a decade in the 1990’s that witnessed the deaths of some 200,000 Algerians. Now that is brutal and nothing anywhere near this has happened in Libya.

    In Egypt and Tunisia, western puppets like Mubarak and Ben Ali had almost no support amongst their people with few if anyone willing to fight and die to defend them.

    The majority of the Libyan people are rallying behind the Libyan government and “the leader”, Muammar Gadaffi, with over one million people demonstrating in support on July 1 in Tripoli, the capital of Libya. Thousands of Libyan youth are on the front lines fighting the rebels and despite thousands of NATO air strikes authentic journalists on the ground in western Libya report their morale remains high.

    In Egypt the popular explosion that resulted in the Army seizing power from Mubarak began in the very poorest neighborhoods in Cairo and other Egyptian cities where the price of basic food items like bread, sugar and cooking oil had skyrocketed and lead to widespread hunger. In many parts of Egypt's poor neighborhoods gasoline/benzene is easier to find then clean drinking water. Medical care and education is only for those with the money to pay for it. Life for the people of Tunisia is not that much better.

    In contrast, the Libyan people have the longest life expectancy in the Arab world. The Libyan people have the best, free public health system in the Arab world. The Libyan people have the best, free public education system in the Arab world. Most Libyan families own their own home and most Libyan families own their own automobile. Libya is so much better off then its neighbors every year tens of thousands of Egyptians and Tunisians migrated to Libya to earn money to feed their families, doing the dirty work the Libyan people refused to do.

    When it comes to how Gadaffi oversaw a dramatic rise in the standard of living for the Libyan people despite decades of UN inSecurity Council sanctions against the Libyan economy honest observers acknowledge that Gadaffi stands head and shoulders above the kings, sheiks, emirs and various dictators who rule the rest of the Arab world.

    So why did NATO launch this war against Libya?

    First of all Gadaffi was on the verge of creating a new banking system in Africa that was going to put the IMF, World Bank and assorted other western banksters out of business in Africa. No more predatory western loans used to cripple African economies, instead a $42 billion dollar African Investment Bank would be supplying major loans at little or even zero interest rates.

    LIbya has funded major infrastructure projects across Africa that have begun to link up African economies and break the perpetual dependency on the western countries for imports have been taking place. Here in Eritrea the new road connecting Eritrea and Sudan is just one small example.

    What seem to have finally tipped the balance in favor of direct western military intervention was the reported demand by Gadaffi that the USA oil companies who have long been major players in the Libyan petroleum industry were going to have to compensate Libya to the tune of tens of billions of dollars for the damage done to the Libyan economy by the USA instigated “Lockerbie Bombing” sanctions imposed by the UN inSecurity Council throughout the 1990’s into early 2000’s. This is based on the unearthing of evidence that the CIA paid millions of dollars to witnesses in the Lockerbie Bombing trial to change their stories to implicate Libya which was used as the basis for the very damaging UN sanctions against Libya. The government of the USA lied and damaged Libya so the USA oil companies were going to have to pay up to cover the cost of their governments actions. Not hard to see why Gadaffi had to go isn't it?

    Add the fact that Gadaffi had signaled clearly that he saw both Libya’s and Africa’s future economic development linked more to China and Russia rather than the west and it was just a matter of time before the CIA’s contingency plan to overthrow the Libyan government was put on the front burner.

    NATO’s war against Libya has much more in common with NATO’s Kosovo war against Serbia. But one still cannot compare Gadaffi to Saddam or even the much smaller time criminals in the Serbian leadership. The Libyan War lies are worse than Iraq.

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    The mass pro-Gaddafi street demonstration of one million Libyans held in the capital Tripoli has gone unreported by Western media as has news of civilians killed for the past three months.

    Press TV talks with Lizzie Phelan, journalist and political activist in London who has been to Libya and says that Western media is complicit in war crimes in the North African country through omission of fact and that the vast majority of the population are in support of the Libyan government. Following is a transcript of the interview.

    Press TV: NATO have issued an apology for a strike so about this publicized NATO strike that has killed civilians, they have blamed 'technical error'. The conclusion we can draw from that is if that happens it may happen again, which relates to the risk of more civilian casualties. Concerning this air campaign - Do you think it has actually gone too far when it is not saving lives?

    Phelan: Yet again we are seeing what the US and Europe shamefully call collateral damage in the form of human lives like we have seen previously in Iraq and Afghanistan and in many other parts of the world.

    This apology by NATO is an absolute joke. It's the first apology we've had from them in the three months despite the fact that civilians have been dying at the hands of NATO air strikes everyday in the past three months there have been thousands of strikes on the country so they made the apology yesterday on Sunday. But again at 2am in the morning there was another attack on the city of Sorman, 130km west of Tripoli where a further fifteen civilians were killed and a further three children were killed.

    In previous weeks we have seen the bombing of al-Nasr university in Tripoli in the daytime where civilians were killed and so these are the military targets that we're seeing them bomb - we're seeing them bomb universities; we're seeing them bomb Friday market street in Tripoli where there is no military site in the area. Friday market street - I've been there - it begins with a GPO post office and ends with a primary school and they bombed four buildings and killed nine civilians including a toddler of four months old.

    So, we are seeing what 'humanitarian intervention' and the 'protection of civilians' al-a-NATO means - it means the killing of children as we are seeing.

    The real crime here is the crime of the media. Where has the media been? The media has picked up on this now because NATO has made their apology, but we've been seeing civilians dying every day for the past three months; we have a swarm of western journalists based in Tripoli...

    Press TV: The NATO apology concerns it's responsibility for the deaths of 9 civilians and 18 injured in an early morning strike at an apartment building. In terms of what NATO is exercising it does put into question the goals of what NATO has on the ground... and this comes when there are CIA officers and covert operators as has been reported that are on the ground in touch with the revolutionaries.

    Phelan: I wouldn't call anybody who is inviting NATO or the CIA or intelligence services into their country revolutionaries, they are in fact counter-revolutionaries.

    The purpose is clear and that is to curb the Arab spring, but it goes back further than that since the revolution (military coup) of 1969-70, when Gaddafi kicked out the British and the Americans and closed their military bases and nationalized the oil. The West has had an agenda since then to get back into Libya and take complete control of the oil resources. Yes they've had a period of reproachment with Libya whereby they have been able to make some good deals with Libya, but they haven't had any where near the kind of control that they would like to have - like they have in Saudi Arabia or Qatar or the other Gulf states where these are effectively client regimes.

    So the agenda is clear to completely violate international law and assassinate Gaddafi against the will of the Libyan people without actually every asking them what the Libyan people want.

    Press TV: Since you have visited Libya, what is the support that Muammar Gaddafi has and what is going on in terms of the tribal allegiance that exists there? Because as we understand there has been a split along traditional tribal lines - animosity has existed; and also based on some research done this has indeed been funded by the West.

    Phelan: Exactly. Just on Friday there was a complete blackout in the media except for one CNN report about a march of one million Libyans in a country of six million people in Tripoli towards Green Square in support of the government and also in support of the people of Benghazi and Misrata who are being harassed and persecuted by what I call counter-revolutionaries, which is what others call rebels - in particular black Libyans who because of the really shameful story that al-Jazeera has pumped out about Gaddafi hiring African mercenaries, black Libyans in places like Misrata and Benghazi - I've met refugees from these areas who are victims of these atrocities - black Libyans being lynched publicly and the most unspeakable atrocities are being committed against them by pro-NATO counter revolutionaries.

    In terms of the tribes in Libya - from my sources I have information that 90% of the tribes in Libya are supportive of the government including the largest tribe in Libya.

    Of course, before the uprising there were frustrations In Libya as there are within every singly country, but the Libyan people are an extremely non-confrontational people that will go to the ends of the earth to resolve in a non-confrontational way.

    And that is also reflected in the government in the way in which the government has tried over the decades and bent backwards to accommodate opposition forces within the government, which in a sense has backfired as we saw from the people who defected from the government and who sold out because they were in the pockets of the CIA andMI6 and the other Western intelligence services.

    So, from my experience in Libya the support for the government is absolutely widespread. There was a Guardian journalist in Libya who thankfully was deported from Libya for reporting that the reason why there is no opposition in Tripoli is because there are informers everywhere. A million people marched through the streets of Tripoli so the people have spoken for themselves.

    Press TV: When will a political solution be discussed? Is NATO going to be ready to face the fact that there has to be a political solution in Libya? Many officials in the US have talked about having a political solution in Afghanistan and have conceded that for any war this is the best way forward...So why is this (military bombing) continuing in Libya?

    Phelan: I have no faith in NATO to ever have the humility to suggest that what is needed and what was needed from the outset is a political solution.

    It's clear that NATO have no way at the moment to get out. They have gone into this war and they can't lose face now.

    I want to quickly mention something that has not been or rarely gets mentioned and that is the sanctions imposed on Libya have led now to a crisis in the country whereby people have to queue for six days for food and fuel and we've seen the impact from that in Iraq; sanctions are one of the greatest killers, sometimes more so than outright military war; it killed millions of people in Iraq.

    ...Coming back to your question, I would say that the UN has been acting as an extension of NATO and has done so in Libya.

    Press TV: I have said that NATO is the armed wing of the UN in which the UN is used and then of course NATO comes in and of course we see how that gets exercised when it comes to various countries.

    Phelan: I would say it the other way round that the UN is essentially a wing of NATO in the sense that it gives legitimacy to what NATO's agenda is. And I have no faith in either of these institutions to deliver any kind of political solution in the country. The UN has proved itself a failure since the war on terror began and even before then...


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