Vollständige Version anzeigen : Israel erpresst seit Jahrzehnten die Welt mit atomaren Drohgebärden

26.12.2009, 05:25
Der fuer viele Jahre inhaftierte Atomspion Mordechai Vanunu erklaert in einem Interview, dass Israel seit Jahrzehnten die GESAMTE Welt mit der Drohung atomarer Zerstoerung erpresst:


TILLAWI - Mordechai, there are a lot of nations that have nuclear weapons. What is it about Israel having them that makes you so nervous?

VANUNU - Because Israel wants to use them, to cause genocide and holocaust on other innocent citizens. It has always been a part of Israel's secret policy. And also by having them, Israel will use them as a threat to avoid making peace with the Arab world as well as imposing her policies on those peoples. As long as she has them, she will continue on in her policies of not making peace, of occupation and of neglecting the Palestinian suffering caused by the refugee camps that have existed for more than 50 years.

TILLAWI - One of the Israeli professors said a few months ago that 'we have the nuclear capability of hitting every major European city,' is that true to your knowledge?

VANUNU Yes, it is true. They can bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States, and by this threat what they are doing is to send a secret message to any leader and to any government that they have the ability to use them aggressively and to blackmail them, to blackmail Europe and the United States, every where, in every state around the world. It was Europe and the United States who helped them get this power, and now that Israel has it, she is coming back and saying to them 'We will not obey any orders that you give us. No international law, no international agreement, no UN resolutions,' and all because of these atomic weapons that they have. ...


27.12.2009, 16:43
Quatsch Vanunus Quatsch!

27.12.2009, 17:07
Quatsch Vanunus Quatsch!

"In this situation, he went on, more and more Israelis were coming to regard the 'transfer' of the Palestinians as the only salvation; resort to it was growing 'more probable' with each passing day. Sharon 'wants to escalate the conflict and knows that nothing else will succeed'.

But would the world permit such ethnic cleansing? 'That depends on who does it and how quickly it happens. We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.""


27.12.2009, 17:42
Quatsch Vanunus Quatsch!

Sehr überzeugend.

27.12.2009, 18:11
Sehr überzeugend.
Israel kann Europa nicht erpressen den dazu fehlen ein Millionen Juden die in den 2000 Jahren europäischen Aufenthalt ermordet wurden.Israel erpresst Niemanden .Israel sagt nur wer Juden morden will muss damit rechnen selbst getötet zu werden.Das ist auch gut so!