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18.02.2005, 14:38
Rush Limbaugh erklaert Amerika das Wort Schadenfreude und kommentiert einen Ansatz von Sinneswandel in Europa.

Quelle fuer Siran: Rushlimbaugh.com ;)

Schadenfreudians Realizing Bush Was Right

February 17, 2005


It's happening in Europe. It's international now. From the International Herald Tribune, story by Richard Bernstein, headline: "Europa: Is it possible that Bush wasn't entirely wrong?" Well-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l... We had a couple weeks ago a Chicago Tribune columnist's take on this, "Is it possible we were wrong and Bush was right about Iraq?" And he got pummeled by his left-wing kook buddies so he had to write a mea culpa, sort of, in the next column. Then yesterday it was Kurt Andersen at New York Magazine, raising the same question. Today it's international. "Probably it's a bit too much to say--" begins this piece by Bernstein, "--on the eve of President Bush's fence-mending trip to Europe next week, that a specter is haunting Europe, but let's say it anyway: A specter is haunting Europe and it is the possibility, following the elections in Iraq, that perhaps Bush is less of a dangerous bungler than so many Europeans previously believed him to be. Why a specter? Because, let's face it, even though Europeans were gracious enough not to gloat during the darkest days of the Iraqi conflict, you could almost smell the schadenfreude here over the American plight."

Well, if schadenfreude isn't gloating what the hell is it? You know what schadenfreude is? I'll tell you where I first learned the word. (interruption) You don't know what it means? I've explained it Mr. Snerdley on this program in recent weeks, where have you been? Now, schadenfreude, you don't forget that. It's like antidisestablishmentarianism, who forgets that word once they ever hear it? I bet I know a whole bunch of words you've never forgotten. But nevertheless, schadenfreude, where I first came across this word, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Buckley did a blurb for my first book in which after reading the book he expressed the fact that he felt a little schadenfreude for the left after they would read the book. Schadenfreude is taking pleasure in the misery of others. And so this guy says you could almost smell the schadenfreude in Europe over the American plight.

Schadenfreude is very, very close to gloating, and, by the way, I think there was a lot of European gloating over there. Nevertheless, Mr. Bernstein writes, "Certainly there has been no seismic alteration of the European view. Yet there are at least some strong anecdotal signs that Europeans are struggling with the difficult proposition that there might even be in the Bush doctrine of messianic democracy a dollop of what the other President Bush famously called 'the vision thing.'" Translation: This guy may have good vision; we better pay attention. "Here in Berlin over the past couple of weeks, for example, a spirited debate has taken place at the German daily Der Tagesspiegel, the issue of which was just how far to go in acknowledging that some good might now be coming out of the Bush foreign policy. According to Christoph Marschall, the editorial page editor of the paper, there was little opposition on the part of the assembled staff to a comment he wrote before the election, to the effect that there was going to be something inspiring about Iraqis going to the polls." There was no controversy. "But after the election, when the paper's Washington correspondent suggested on Page 1 that maybe, after all, Bush sniffed out a truth about the 'axis of evil,' the staff strenuously objected. 'The idea that Bush might actually have been right - that was a little much for our staff,' Marschall said... 'Most Europeans think that improvements in the Middle East - elections in Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq - have come about because Bush is lucky, that it was because of chance.'" But who cares. They're still speculating, they still know the truth, and we could have predicted this. In fact, the left, if you listen to them, they brought down the Soviet Union.

If you listen to certain Democrats, they had a role in it, and I guarantee you (interruption) well, that doesn't matter, they had no role. But they use the word "we." It's like Jon Stewart had a op-ed piece somewhere recently talking about the Iraq elections. He said we did it, now let's get out of there and of course as Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online, what is this "we," kemosabe? You had nothing to do with it! All you people on the left did was try to avoid it and work against it, make it impossible for it to happen. Now all these people who had their schadenfreude are beginning to say wait a minute, wait a minute, maybe it's a good thing, and Bush just lucked out, Bush just lucked out, happened to be in the right place at the right time. Sort of like Clinton didn't luck out when 9/11 happened. Remember, the Democrats were all upset that 9/11 did not happen when Clinton was president because that kind of event, in their warped thinking, offered Bush an opportunity for greatness that was denied Bill Clinton. I kid you not. That's how warped these people are. Nevertheless Europe now beginning to think, uh-oh, Bush may have been right. Little teeny, tiny steps but they're taking them.

18.02.2005, 14:42
Rush Limbaugh erklaert Amerika das Wort Schadenfreude und kommentiert einen Ansatz von Sinneswandel in Europa.
Das sind ja gleich 2 Dinge, die jemand wie Rush besser unterlassen sollte. :P

Später mehr zum Inhalt. ;)

18.02.2005, 14:47
Rush Limbaugh erklaert Amerika das Wort Schadenfreude und kommentiert einen Ansatz von Sinneswandel in Europa.

Quelle fuer Siran: Rushlimbaugh.com ;)

Schadenfreudians Realizing Bush Was Right

February 17, 2005


It's happening in Europe. It's international now. From the International Herald Tribune, story by Richard Bernstein, headline: "Europa: Is it possible that Bush wasn't entirely wrong?" Well-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l... We had a couple weeks ago a Chicago Tribune columnist's take on this, "Is it possible we were wrong and Bush was right about Iraq?" And he got pummeled by his left-wing kook buddies so he had to write a mea culpa, sort of, in the next column. Then yesterday it was Kurt Andersen at New York Magazine, raising the same question. Today it's international. "Probably it's a bit too much to say--" begins this piece by Bernstein, "--on the eve of President Bush's fence-mending trip to Europe next week, that a specter is haunting Europe, but let's say it anyway: A specter is haunting Europe and it is the possibility, following the elections in Iraq, that perhaps Bush is less of a dangerous bungler than so many Europeans previously believed him to be. Why a specter? Because, let's face it, even though Europeans were gracious enough not to gloat during the darkest days of the Iraqi conflict, you could almost smell the schadenfreude here over the American plight."

Well, if schadenfreude isn't gloating what the hell is it? You know what schadenfreude is? I'll tell you where I first learned the word. (interruption) You don't know what it means? I've explained it Mr. Snerdley on this program in recent weeks, where have you been? Now, schadenfreude, you don't forget that. It's like antidisestablishmentarianism, who forgets that word once they ever hear it? I bet I know a whole bunch of words you've never forgotten. But nevertheless, schadenfreude, where I first came across this word, Mr. Buckley, Mr. Buckley did a blurb for my first book in which after reading the book he expressed the fact that he felt a little schadenfreude for the left after they would read the book. Schadenfreude is taking pleasure in the misery of others. And so this guy says you could almost smell the schadenfreude in Europe over the American plight.

Schadenfreude is very, very close to gloating, and, by the way, I think there was a lot of European gloating over there. Nevertheless, Mr. Bernstein writes, "Certainly there has been no seismic alteration of the European view. Yet there are at least some strong anecdotal signs that Europeans are struggling with the difficult proposition that there might even be in the Bush doctrine of messianic democracy a dollop of what the other President Bush famously called 'the vision thing.'" Translation: This guy may have good vision; we better pay attention. "Here in Berlin over the past couple of weeks, for example, a spirited debate has taken place at the German daily Der Tagesspiegel, the issue of which was just how far to go in acknowledging that some good might now be coming out of the Bush foreign policy. According to Christoph Marschall, the editorial page editor of the paper, there was little opposition on the part of the assembled staff to a comment he wrote before the election, to the effect that there was going to be something inspiring about Iraqis going to the polls." There was no controversy. "But after the election, when the paper's Washington correspondent suggested on Page 1 that maybe, after all, Bush sniffed out a truth about the 'axis of evil,' the staff strenuously objected. 'The idea that Bush might actually have been right - that was a little much for our staff,' Marschall said... 'Most Europeans think that improvements in the Middle East - elections in Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq - have come about because Bush is lucky, that it was because of chance.'" But who cares. They're still speculating, they still know the truth, and we could have predicted this. In fact, the left, if you listen to them, they brought down the Soviet Union.

If you listen to certain Democrats, they had a role in it, and I guarantee you (interruption) well, that doesn't matter, they had no role. But they use the word "we." It's like Jon Stewart had a op-ed piece somewhere recently talking about the Iraq elections. He said we did it, now let's get out of there and of course as Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online, what is this "we," kemosabe? You had nothing to do with it! All you people on the left did was try to avoid it and work against it, make it impossible for it to happen. Now all these people who had their schadenfreude are beginning to say wait a minute, wait a minute, maybe it's a good thing, and Bush just lucked out, Bush just lucked out, happened to be in the right place at the right time. Sort of like Clinton didn't luck out when 9/11 happened. Remember, the Democrats were all upset that 9/11 did not happen when Clinton was president because that kind of event, in their warped thinking, offered Bush an opportunity for greatness that was denied Bill Clinton. I kid you not. That's how warped these people are. Nevertheless Europe now beginning to think, uh-oh, Bush may have been right. Little teeny, tiny steps but they're taking them. ;) haettste wohl gerne? ;)

18.02.2005, 14:50
Zum Artikel:
Ja, Rush, es stimmt:
Europa macht sich Gedanken, wie die Wahlen im Irak die dortige Zulkunft beeinflussen könnten; möglicherweise auch positiv.
Für diese Erkenntnis bemüht er eine ganz Zeitung, nur um im gleichen Atemzug gegen die 'Linken' zu wüten (btw. Jon Stewart macht eine Comedy-Sendung, keinen Polittalk). Aber so leid es mir für Rush tut, die 'Linken' haben nie behauptet, für den Zusammenbruch der UDSSR verantwortlich zu sein, ebensowenig hätten sie sich den Anschlag vom 11.9. für die Zeit unter Clinton gewünscht - zwei Unterstellungen (eine davon äußerst schwerwiegend), die beide nicht wahr sind. Aber Hauptsache gestänkert und viele Worte für nichts verschwendet.

Wenn es Europa (der böse pazifistische Kriegsgegner) schaftt an Bushs Vorgehen und Taten einen Ansatz von Gutem zu entdecken, dann sollte es für Rush umgekehrt doch auch möglich sein, gewisse Einwände von 'linker' Seite ernstzunehmen und nicht vorschnell als falsch abzutun, oder?

18.02.2005, 15:01
Leider nur kurz.

ebensowenig hätten sie sich den Anschlag vom 11.9. für die Zeit unter Clinton gewünscht

Da vertust du dich gewaltig. Ich erinnere mich noch sehr genau, wie das damals kurz nach dem Anschlag ablief. Natuerlich haben es die wenigsten direkt gesagt (obwohl es da auch so einige gab), aber ihr Bedauern war SEHR deutlich rauszuhoeren. Clinton selbst hat einige derartige Anspielungen gemacht, die ich hoffentlich irgendwo finden werde.

18.02.2005, 15:11
Dann müßte es doch einige freudige Statements von Demokraten aus dem Jahr 1993 geben, als Reaktion auf den ersten Anschlag aufs WTC.....:D

18.02.2005, 15:16
Sorry, das verstehe ich jetzt nicht.

18.02.2005, 15:33
Wenn Demokraten sich gewünscht haben sollen (laut Rush), daß 9/11 während Clintons Präsidentschaft passiert wäre, dann müßte diese Demokraten doch der Anschlag von 1993 (als Clinton Präsident war) schon einmal zu entsprechenden Äußerungen veranlasst haben?

19.02.2005, 12:51
Verstehe ich immer noch nicht.

19.02.2005, 13:23
Da vertust du dich gewaltig. Ich erinnere mich noch sehr genau, wie das damals kurz nach dem Anschlag ablief. Natuerlich haben es die wenigsten direkt gesagt (obwohl es da auch so einige gab), aber ihr Bedauern war SEHR deutlich rauszuhoeren. Clinton selbst hat einige derartige Anspielungen gemacht, die ich hoffentlich irgendwo finden werde.
Gab es solche Äußerungen wirklich?

Wenn ja, was ist dann die Meinung dieser Demokraten zu dem Anschlag von 1993 gewesen?

19.02.2005, 14:16
Ja, diese Aeusserungen gab es wirklich. Ich weiss, dass der von Rush eingeworfene Satz erstmal Anlass zur Verwunderung gibt. Aber er hat darueber schon so oft gesprochen, dass er darum nicht weiter darauf eingegangen ist.
Clinton's groesste Sorge (und auch die der Demokraten) war und ist, dass man seinem Namen lediglich mit Monica Lewinsky assoziieren wuerde. (Die am haeufigsten gestellte Frage bei White House Touren ist: "Und wo genau fand nun dieser Stunt mit der Zigarre statt?")
Dies ist kein guter Nachlass fuer einen ehemaligen Praesidenten; schon gar nicht, wenn die Demokraten ihn so gerne als "neuen Gott" verkaufen wollen. Ware der Anschlag in Clinton's Amtszeit gefallen, haette er gute Chancen gehabt, diesen Nachlass zu seinen Gunsten zu manipulieren. Man haette sich an einen standfesten Praesidenten erinnert, der sein Volk mit allen Mitteln verteidigt und beschuetzt. Heute aber verbindet man Clinton in zunehmenden Masse mit Untreue und gerissener Verlogenheit.

Ich wuenschte, ich wuesste, wo ich suchen sollte. Einige Aeusserungen von damals waren wirklich derbe. Wie gesagt, sie waren nicht unbedingt direkt, aber jeder wusste, wie man sie zu deuten hatte.

19.02.2005, 14:25
Das man sich an Clinton immer in Verbindung mit Lewinsky erinnert, ist nicht zuletzt Leuten wie Rush zu 'verdanken'.
Eher sollte man Clinton als den Präsidenten in Erinnerung behalten, der den USA einen gewaltigen Haushaltsüberschuß gebracht hat und ihr Ansehen nach dem Kalten Krieg kräftig aufpoliert hat.

Übrigens kommt es mir so vor, als ob eher Bush und die Republikaner 9/11 für ihre Zwecke mißbrauchen; zu sehen in den Wahlwerbespots und besonders während des RNC in NYC.

Im direkten Vergleich spricht zumindest viel für Clinton und nur wenig für Bush; Letzterer hat genau genommen nichts erreicht, außer den "Krieg gegen den Terror" unnötigerweise zu verkünden.

P.S.: Hat sich Rush auch über Jerry Falwells Kommentare nach dem 11.9. aufgeregt oder ist er gar nicht darauf eingegangen?

19.02.2005, 15:16
Hm, so wie ich das in Erinnerung habe, ist Clinton fuer drastische Steuerhoehungen verantwortlich, trotz zahlreicher Beteuerungen, dass er dies nicht, und schon gar nicht bei der Mittelschicht machen wuerde. Der gewaltige Boom der 80'er wurde eigentlich erst durch ihn endgueltig beendet.
Gleichzeitig hat er das Budget fuer das Militaer gekuerzt, was IMMER schlecht ist.
Bin Laden bzw Terrorismus war fuer ihn unwichtig.
Ihm haben wir auch zu verdanken, dass sich Nord Korea heute aufplustern kann. Und China ist durch seine Hilfe im Bereich Waffentechnologie ebenfalls fortgeschrittener, als es mir persoenlich lieb ist.
Die Liste seines Versagens ist im Grunde unendlich.

Bush ist das genaue Gegenteil. Er ist von Grund auf ehrlich (ja, schreit nur!) und er kuemmert sich! Gerade innenpolitisch legt der Mann ein rasantes Tempo vor. Selbst Dinge, die ihn eigentlich gar nicht zu kuemmern brauchen, behaelt er im Auge (siehe Social Security Reform). Die Demokraten verlieren immer mehr an Bodenhaftung. Rush's Voraussage, ihre Partei ist im Begriff zu implodieren, ist heute wahrer als je zuvor.
Nicht ohne Grund bewegt sich Hillary immer weiter nach rechts...

Zu Jerry Falwell Kommentar kann ich leider nichts sagen. Was hat er denn gesagt?