Vollständige Version anzeigen : Dänemark: Immer mehr (Moslem)Schießereien in Kopenhagen

20.08.2008, 16:33
Über Jahre hin haben Soziologen und Politikwissenschaftler die multikulturelle Bereicherung Dänemarks durch zugewanderte Mitbürger in höchsten Tönen gelobt. Nun müssen sie erfahren, dass die Hauptstadt Kopenhagen sich Dank dieser Mitbürger zu einer Kriminellen-Hochburg entwickelt. Die Zeitung "Copenhagen Post" berichtet, dass Schießereien dieser Mitbürger inzwischen an der Tagesordnung seien und vergleicht die Lage mit den Slums der schlimmsten amerikanischen Ballungsgebiete. Die Zeitung spricht wörtlich davon, Kopenhagen drohe zum "Kriegsgebiet" ("war zone") zu werden. (Quelle: Copenhagen Post 19. August 2008). (Quelle: Copenhagen Post 19. August 2008).

19.08.2008 Print article (IE & NS 4+)

The leap in the number of shootings in Copenhagen has lead experts to compare the situation to that of many US cities

Gangs are threatening to make Copenhagen's streets into a war zone, as the number of shootings in the city has escalated over the past year.

Three shooting episodes last week brought this year's total in Copenhagen to 20 – twice as many as during the same period last year. Most recently, a 19-year old man was shot dead last Thursday in the Brønshøj district. The young man was himself found to be armed.

While police are denying a gang war is taking place, many social and crime experts are concerned the situation is beginning to resemble that of major US cities, where gun-related crime is an everyday occurrence.

'It's very much like the American condition - a development we've also seen in other countries,' Michael Hviid Jacobsen, sociologist at Aalborg University, told Nyhedsavisen newspaper. 'We're now seeing visible frustrations where people are shooting at each other across the street.'

Especially the use of automatic weapons has upped the stakes for both the gangs and the police. And while motorcycle gangs such as the Hells Angels and Banditos were the original adversaries, many gangs with members of Arab or Asian origin have now joined the fold.

'Although it's taboo to say it, it's a simple fact that many of the shooting episodes involve people with another ethnic background than Danish,' said Jacobsen. 'We have to acknowledge that this is an especially problematic group.'

Jacobsen said the only way to deal with the situation is by adding more police.

But Kim Kliver, head of the National Police's investigative division, said the current violence is not necessarily a gang war needing large police units to cover it. He said many incidents are between local groups.

'The violence occurs because a person wants to show he's tough,' said Kliver. 'And when the media writes about it, then it gives them even more respect.'

Black Cobra and the Borhan group are two of the most prominent non-ethnic Danish gangs, with around 50 and 15 members, respectively. (rc)


20.08.2008, 21:29

Sehr schön, Jetzt bekommen die linken Dummköpfe überall die Quittung!
Ich könnte mich kugeln vor Freude!

20.08.2008, 21:53
Sehr schön, Jetzt bekommen die linken Dummköpfe überall die Quittung!
Ich könnte mich kugeln vor Freude!

sehe ich auch so ... hoffentlich gehen denen die patronen nicht zu schnell aus:)