Vollständige Version anzeigen : Korea, Vietnam, Ukraine ! How are you, GI Joe ?

23.07.2014, 13:54


How are you, GI Joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the faintest idea of what's going on. (Hanoi Hannah, 16 June 1967)


Tokyo Rose of Vietnam a housewife

- Hanoi Hannah -

Havana (Reuters) "Hanoi Hannah," the silken-voiced Vietnamese girl
who broadcasts from North Vietnam to American troops, is a cheery
housewife who wears baggy trousers, rides to work on a bicycle and
worries about her children. The "Tokyo Rose" of the Vietnam war is
about 30 years old and lias two children, a boy and a girl, according
to a report just published here.

A story about Hannah, her real name is Tau Huong ("Autumn Fragrance")
was printed in Verde Olive (Olive Green), the journal of the Cuban
revolutionary forces. The interview was only the second she had ever
given, the Journal reported. In the article, Tau Huong emerges not as
an oriental beauty wrapped in mystery, but a pleasant Hanoi housewife
concerned about her children who have been evacuated from Hanoi to
the countryside.

A series of photographs show Hannah going to work in Hanoi—wearing
black baggy trousers and white blouse — with her bicycle. She likes the
movies or theater when not at the studios for her daily three hours of
English-language broadcasts.

Asked how. she felt about speaking to American troops in South Vietnam,
she said

[B]"I take great interest in speaking to these men who are fighting
against my people. They did not ask to come here. They were sent to fight
in an aggressive war against a people who are struggling for their liberty
and independence. I also want them to know that the Vietnamese people
do not feel hatred for the poeple of the United States "

(Quelle: The Montreal Gazette / October 8th 1968)

Amerikanische GIs, CIA und NSA Kraefte, Soeldner von ACADEMI,
GREYSTONE, Zivilangestellte des US Militaers und US Diplomaten,
verlasst die Ukraine, verlasst Europa, kehrt Heim auf Euren eigenen
Kontinent und niemals wieder nach Europa zurueck!

Fuer das US Verbrecherimperium zu sterben lohnt sich nicht. Geht
nach Hause, kuemmert und sorgt Euch um Eure Familien in Amerika.

23.07.2014, 14:14
Die Amerikaner sollten aus Korea und Vietnam gelernt haben.
Den Krieg in der Ukraine wird das US Verbrecherimperium
genauso verlieren wie die Kriege in Korea und Vietnam!


23.07.2014, 14:15
Korea Krieg kurz erklaert: Wie kam es zur Teilung der koreanischen Halbinsel?

Die Zeit Videoanimation:


NTV Videoanimation: Koreas endloser Konflikt


Die Teilung der koreanischen Halbinsel haelt seit nunmehr 60 Jahren an. Obwohl sich die sowjetisch gestuetzten Truppen Nordkoreas und die US-amerikanisch gestuetzten Truppen des Suedens 1953 nach Jahren des Gefechts auf den 38. Breitengrad als Demarkationslinie zwischen den Konfliktparteien einigten, gilt der Krieg bis heute offiziell nicht als beendet.


23.07.2014, 15:16