Vollständige Version anzeigen : Stecken die USA hinter angeblichem Gas-Angriff in Syrien?

08.09.2013, 12:08
Davon zumindest geht Rush Limbaugh aus.

"Rush Limbaugh today raised the possibility that Syrian rebels were responsible for using chemical weapons on their own people – not President Bashar al-Assad":

Wen würde es wundern?

08.09.2013, 12:09
Wow, die Analyse kam ja schnell ;)

08.09.2013, 16:48
Davon zumindest geht Rush Limbaugh aus.

"Rush Limbaugh today raised the possibility that Syrian rebels were responsible for using chemical weapons on their own people – not President Bashar al-Assad":

Wen würde es wundern?

Im Unterilnk wird die Sache noch viele brisanter: GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs ( und der Autor Yossef Bodansky, gehören zu den Top 5 der Welt, wenn es um Sicherheit geht. Er schreibt klar, das die Rebellen die Gift Gas Angriffe machten, identisch wie in Sarajewo in 1995

Mounting evidence raises questions about Syrian chemical weapon attack

Special to WorldTribune.com

Yossef Bodansky, Senior Editor, GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs (http://www.worldtribune.com/?s=yossef+bodansky&x=-1102&y=-107)

There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the Aug. 21 chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a premeditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

The extent of U.S. foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.

See: Sarajevo, 1995 and Damascus, 2013: The use of mass attack deception to decide wars (http://www.worldtribune.com/2013/08/22/sarajevo-1995-and-damascus-2013-the-use-of-mass-attack-deception-to-decide-wars/)
Bodies said to have been killed by nerve gas in the Ghouta area of Damascus, Aug. 21. /Reuters

Bodies said to have been killed by nerve gas in the Ghouta area of Damascus, Aug. 21. /Reuters

On Aug. 13-14, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and U.S. Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a U.S.-led bombing of Syria.

The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for exploiting the U.S.-led bombing in order to march on Damascus and topple the Bashar al-Assad government, the senior commanders explained. The Qatari and Turkish intelligence officials assured the Syrian regional commanders that they would be provided with plenty of weapons for the coming offensive...


siehe Yassin Kadi der das Alles seit 25 Jahren organisiert für die Saudis.
