Vollständige Version anzeigen : Emil Hácha...Ermordung nach dem 2 Weltkrieg von Exiltschechen.

30.06.2013, 09:01
Guten Morgen allerseits,

bin auf der Suche nach Material über die genauen Todesumstände von Emil Hácha. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Hier mal ein Zitat von ihm:

»Jahrhunderte lang haben unsere Völker nebeneinander gelebt, und den Tschechen ist es nie so gut gegangen wie dann, wenn sie mit den Deutschen im Einvernehmen lebten. Deshalb habe ich Sie auch um eine Unterredung gebeten, denn ich will die Mißverständnisse, die zwischen unseren beiden Ländern aufgetaucht sein mögen, ausräumen. Ich lege das Schicksal meines Volkes in Ihre Hände mit der Überzeugung, daß ich es in gar keine besseren legen könnte.«

30.06.2013, 09:20
Vielleicht hilft das etwas:

On May 13, 1945 the Minister of the Interior Vaclav Nosek ordered Hacha's arrest at the Castle in Lany and he was taken to the prison hospital at Pankrac where he died in the evening of June 27 (not on June 1 as is falsely claimed in many dictionaries and other publications). The funeral took place three days later at the Vinohrady cemetery under strict security supervision. The Minister of the Interior gave orders forbidding Hacha's name to be engraved on his tombstone.
In April 1939 Hacha, while in Prague Castle, described to writer K. Horky his experiences of Berlin on the night prior to March 15, 1939 - how Goring looked into his eyes "tenderly" … "like a woman" and at the same time threatened that within a few hours everything will go flying into the air. "Hradcany (the Castle) and the Cathedral, in brief everything, everything." Hacha then went on: "And then I signed ....And I signed it on my own behalf and only my own honour was at stake, because, as you know, neither our parliament, nor our nation had anything to do with it." It is remarkable that those who condemned him most harshly held similar opinions regarding themselves. In May 1942 Benes's political secretary and the faithful spokesman of his opinions, P. Drtina, in his broadcasts from London explained that everything that happened from September 21, 1938, including Benes's abdication, was the result of coercive intimidation, and is therefore neither legally nor politically valid: "This was why Dr. Benes never requested the approval from any constitutional parliamentary organ, so that the nation should not feel bound!" (tp)



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30.06.2013, 09:39
Vielleicht hilft das etwas:

On May 13, 1945 the Minister of the Interior Vaclav Nosek ordered Hacha's arrest at the Castle in Lany and he was taken to the prison hospital at Pankrac where he died in the evening of June 27 (not on June 1 as is falsely claimed in many dictionaries and other publications). The funeral took place three days later at the Vinohrady cemetery under strict security supervision. The Minister of the Interior gave orders forbidding Hacha's name to be engraved on his tombstone.
In April 1939 Hacha, while in Prague Castle, described to writer K. Horky his experiences of Berlin on the night prior to March 15, 1939 - how Goring looked into his eyes "tenderly" … "like a woman" and at the same time threatened that within a few hours everything will go flying into the air. "Hradcany (the Castle) and the Cathedral, in brief everything, everything." Hacha then went on: "And then I signed ....And I signed it on my own behalf and only my own honour was at stake, because, as you know, neither our parliament, nor our nation had anything to do with it." It is remarkable that those who condemned him most harshly held similar opinions regarding themselves. In May 1942 Benes's political secretary and the faithful spokesman of his opinions, P. Drtina, in his broadcasts from London explained that everything that happened from September 21, 1938, including Benes's abdication, was the result of coercive intimidation, and is therefore neither legally nor politically valid: "This was why Dr. Benes never requested the approval from any constitutional parliamentary organ, so that the nation should not feel bound!" (tp)



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Besten Dank, dass scheint die offizielle Version zu sein.

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