Vollständige Version anzeigen : Phänotyp der Kasaren - Quellen - Hypothesen

31.01.2013, 22:20
Origins. The Khazars were a Turkic1 people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled in cities and towns thruout the north Caucasus and Ukraine. The Khazars had a great history of ethnic independence extending approximately 800 years from the 5th to the 13th century.


Da blaetter ich ein wenig bei Koestlers 13ten Stamm herum und finde:

„Was die Khasaren anlangt, so leben sie im Norden der bewohnten Erde, etwa gegen das siebente Klima, über ihren Köpfen haben sie das Sternbild des Pfluges. Ihr Land ist kalt und naß. Dementsprechend sind ihre Augen blau, ist ihre Hautfarbe weiß, ihr Haar lang wallend und vorwiegend rot. IhreKörper sind groß und ihre Natur ist kalt. Allgemein machen sieden Eindruck von Wilden."

Ibn-Said al-Maghribi, ein arabischer Chronist, zitiert bei Dunlop, S. 11

„wilde Männer mit häßlichen Gesichtern und dem Benehmen wilder Tiere, Blut-esser"

ein georgischer Chronist zitiert von Schultze (1905), S. 23

„schrecklichen Massen der Khasaren mit frechen, breiten, brauenlosen Gesichtern und lang wallenden Haaren wie Frauen"

ein armenischer Schriftsteller zitiert von Marquart, S. 44, A. 4

„Die Khasaren ähneln nicht den Türken. Sie sind schwarzhaarig und von zweierlei Art: die einen werden Kara-Khasaren [schwarze Khasaren] genannt, die dunkel bis tief-schwarz sind, als ob sie eine Art von Indern wären, und dann gibt es noch eine weiße Art [Ak-Khasaren], die außerordentlichhübsch sind."

der arabische Geograph Istakhri zitiert bei Dunlop 1954, S. %

Zu finden auf: http://de.scribd.com/doc/116810265/der-13-stamm

In a discussion between the celebrated ibn-al-Muqaffa' and his friends the question was raised as to what nation was the most intelligent. It is significant for the low state of their culture at the time, or at least for the view held by the Arabs on the subject (ibn-al-Muqaffa' died 142/759), that the Turks and Khazars were suggested only after the claims of the Persians, Greeks, Chinese, Indians, and Negroes had been canvassed. Evidently in this respect the Turks and the Khazars shared a bad eminence. But they are given quite different characteristics: "The Turks are lean dogs, the Khazars pasturing cattle."

(Ibn-'Abd-Rabbihi, al- Iqd al-Farid, ed. of A.H. 1331, Ii, 210. The anecdote is commented on by Fr. Rosenthal, Technique and Approach of Muslim Scholarship, Analecta Orientalia, 24 (1947), 72)

Though the judgment is unfavorable, we get the impression of the Khazars as a distinct, even important, racial group. How far this corresponds with the fact is not certain. Suggestions have been made connecting the Khazars with the Circassian type, taken to be pale-complexioned, dark-haired, and blue-eyed, and through the Basilians or Barsilians already mentioned, with the so-called "Royal Scyths" of Herodotus. (iv, 59)

All this is evidently very speculative. Apart from the passage where the Black Khazars are mentioned, described as being dusky like the Indians, and their counterparts fair and handsome, (See Istakhri's account of the Khazars in Chapter V, infra) the only available description of the race in Arabic sources is the following, apparently from ibn- Sa'id al-Maghribi:

"As to the Khazars, they are to be left [north] of the inhabited earth towards the 7th clime, having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Hence their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold.

Their general aspect is wild." (Bodieian MS., i, 873, fol. 71, kindly communicated by Professor Kahle) This reads like a conventional description of a northern nation, and in any case affords no kind of support for Khazar affinity with the "Circassian" type. If we are to trust the etymology of Khalil ibn-Ahmad (Yaqut, Mu'jam al-Buldan, s.v. Khazar) the Khazars may have been slant-eyed, like the Mongols, etc. Evidently nothing can be said positively in the matter.


In view of the distinction among some Turkish and the remainder as "black," when we read in the Arab geographer Istakhri that the Khazars are of two kinds, one called Qara-Khazars (Black Khazars), the other a white kind, unnamed, (Istakhri's account of the Khazars is translated in Chapter V) it is a natural assumption that the latter are the Aq-Khazars (White Khazars)




01.02.2013, 12:06