Vollständige Version anzeigen : Bombenanschlag auf Universität in Nigeria

Felix Krull
29.04.2012, 14:49
Bombenanschlag auf Universität in Nigeria - Tote und Verletzte


Bei einem Terroranschlag auf eine christliche Universität im Norden Nigerias sind mindestens vier Menschen ums Leben gekommen. In der katholischen Universität in der Stadt Kano seien drei Bomben explodiert, während dort gerade die Sonntagsmesse lief, berichten Augenzeugen. Die Zahl der Opfer könnte weiter steigen. Es hat sich noch niemand zu der Tat bekannt. Es wird aber vermutet, dass eine islamistische Gruppe für die Anschläge verantwortlich ist, die in Nigeria seit Monaten Terror verbreitet.

Quelle (http://referer.us/www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/newsticker/Bombenanschlag-auf-Universitaet-in-Nigeria-Tote-und-Verletzte-id19824076.html)

Fast täglich Mord und Totschlag im Namen des Islam, und mit immer mehr Islam in Europa werden auch diese "Wunder des Islam" früher oder später hier Einzug halten.

29.04.2012, 15:48
Laut AFP soll es zu einer regelrechten Menschenjagd gekommen sein..... Die Terroristen sind möglicherweise Angehörige von "Boko Haram".

Attackers armed with bombs and guns opened fire at church services at a Nigerian university on Sunday, killing around 20 people as worshippers tried to flee, witnesses and officials said.

Explosions and gunfire rocked Bayero University in the northern city of Kano, with witnesses reporting that two church services were targeted as they were being held on campus.

One of the services was being held outdoors, while the second was inside a building, but with an overflow audience outside, witnesses said.

Officials were unable to confirm casualty figures, but an AFP correspondent counted six bullet-riddled bodies near one of the two sites.

At least another dozen bodies could be seen on a roadside by the university, but the exact number was unclear.

Musical instruments and half-eaten meals could be seen at the site of one of the services.

An army spokesman confirmed the attack but could not provide a casualty toll. Lieutenant Iweha Ikedichi told AFP that it appeared the attackers used bombs and gunfire in the assault.

Witnesses said the attackers arrived in a car and two motorcycles, opening fire and throwing homemade bombs, causing a stampede. They said worshippers were gunned down as they sought to flee.

"They first attacked the open-air service outside the faculty of medicine," one witness said. "They threw in explosives and fired shots, causing a stampede among worshippers. They now pursued them, shooting them with guns. ... They also attacked another service at the sporting complex."

A witness who said he was at the sporting complex at the time of the attack reported hearing gunshots outside while they were praying.

"Then there was pandemonium," he said, adding that he later saw two men outside shooting indiscriminately.

A crowd of people later gathered at a Kano hospital waiting to hear news about friends or family.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, although the attack was similar to others carried out by the Islamist group Boko Haram.

http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jCq7XlSvgBVwwdIKFCDzD8S3QKxQ?docId=CNG.babfe fb58a04bf7ad1203dbc54c1f351.501