
Vollständige Version anzeigen : Neuseeland trauert um "Shrek".

07.06.2011, 14:45
Neuseeleand trauert um "Shrek", - das Schaf, das sich nicht scheren ließ.,h=425,pd=1,w=533.jpg

Bis zum Jahre 2004 hatte das Schaf es sieben Mal fertiggebracht, sich während des jährlichen Schafschurauftriebs in Höhlen auf seiner heimatlichen Farm zu verstecken. Als es schließlich gefunden wurde, trug "Shrek" 27 Kilo Wolle auf seinem Leib.

In Neuseeland, wo mehr Schafe als Menschen leben, nahm das Schaf den Rang eines nationalen Stars ein. Seine Schur wurde zu einem Showereignis, das international übertragen wurde, auch in den anschließenden Jahren.

"New Zealanders were mourning the loss of the country's most famous sheep Tuesday, a shaggy national icon named Shrek who was renowned for avoiding being shorn for years.

Shrek captured the public's imagination in 2004 after he evaded the annual shearing roundups for the previous seven years by hiding in caves on his farm on the South Island. When finally found, he was clad in an astonishing 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of wool.

That's about five times a typically annual shearing from Shrek's breed, the Merino sheep prized for some of the softest wool.

In a country where sheep outnumber people by nearly 10 to one, Shrek's story of stubbornness and guile appealed to many. After his capture, Shrek was shorn on live TV in a broadcast that was picked up around the world. His story inspired three books.

"He was quite an elderly statesman," said owner John Perriam. "He taught us a lot."

Until becoming sick three weeks ago, Shrek toured the country, commanding $16,000 for appearances and getting the star treatment wherever he went. In one appearance, Shrek was shorn atop a large iceberg that was floating near the South Island coast. [ . . . ]"

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